Love Supreme Soul Stir for Tyree Nichols & Half Moon Bay Victims February 1, 2023 at 5:00 AM by...
The Power Within: Red Ranger Rocks Rally

As I stood in the mirror in some deeply uncomfortably clinging polyester blend red tights---all I could do is laugh. My mother’s jokes were in my head…” a Martin! Make sure you got all that lovin right before you run out in front them cameras.” Yeah this Martin physique has gotten me into all kinds of trouble. But that won't be the feature of today’s story.
My body was convulsing and shaking as sweat and tears formed from laughing. “Mr. Martin, you alright in there?” called Queen Yonce from outside the bathroom door. “....ah...yeah…lemme pull together and get ready.”
I exit the bathroom and ask Queen Yonce aka Ms. Correa, my Director of Family Engagement and Publicist, to zip up the back of this tight-fitting contraption so I could pull off the unthinkable. “You ready?” she queries. I begin to negotiate all the craziest things I have ever done for the sake of love and this may not have seemed like the craziest thing 95% of normal everyday people have done in their lives. But I would not be able to turn back from my deep fears of body shaming and emasculation which enslaved my existence for so long. Again...this is a topic for another day and time.
Queen Yonce peered thru the halls for any remaining MJP Scholars and directed me to the main hallway. Before me were a legion of superheroes donning gold tiaras and bracelets, masked avengers, and enthusiasts. Entranced in the allure and aura emulating from my 6 foot 2 frame, donning a rich red and white vessel dripping with anticipation. The legion began to form in front of me, pushing forward in chants and a concert of cheer as they proceeded out to the waiting assembly of junior heros. A rush hit me and I beamed to the back of our building, down the back stairs, and belted out to the boom of “JuJu on that Beat”.
Electric from the awe and bass of the track, I danced and rocked and kicked and slapped hands of my screaming RockStars. My heartbeat overtook the cadence of hip-rocking drums and guitar riffs as the feeling of “magic” geechee me. This moment was for them. The dreamers. The.downtrodden. The hopeful. The HATERS!
Rocking as a Power Ranger for my Scholars was a testament to something greater within our community. While numbers may say that our school is an underperformer--we are an underdog--The 28-3 with 2 minutes left in the third quarter underdog. But our time is coming. I believe in our power, our potential, and our magic. And there are times you must commit to the unthinkable, overcoming your own fears, flaws, and failures to illustrate to bystanders, antagonists, and the dreamers that the impossible is always possible if you believe.
My Takeaways from Living as a Power Ranger:
- #MindsetMatters! The I’M-Possible is possible when doubt is not a character on the mainstage. You can’t live and breathe in a state of paralysis! You must lead your life with confidence and a spirit of resilience.
- Your story of overcoming obstacles could lead to someone else’s glory. You never know how sharing your challenges can amplify someone past their own fears and doubt.
- Polyester can be your friend (for a few seconds anyways)...LOL! Live It Up!
Weeks after this “Power Rally”, I see some of my scholars clutching their Power coins and Power pencils with hope that their temporal circumstance or situation will improve by tapping into their magic. I smile heartily because they “believe”. Its beautiful. And I definitively believe in their magic and know that it will “power” something magnanimous inside out!
Thanks to MY Leadership Coach, Sarah Lynch, for that snow day fireside chat that inspired this "magic" to happen!!!
Watch video here